Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Blessing of Children

Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. Psalms 127:3

When I was first married, my husband and I knew we wanted kids someday, but of course we were thinking of our own well being. Would kids cost too much money? Will we have freedom do to what we want? Will I be a good parent? My husband always thought about the money aspect, and if we were able to afford having a baby. We both worked and we both agreed if I did have a baby, I would like to stay home for awhile. Of course with my husband owning his own business, we were always unsure how the finances would work out.
Maybe we didn't put our total trust in the Lord for everything. We always tried to do it our way first, then we found out that God is our Creator, and he is Lord of all and his way is always the best way.        

  When we finally decided to have children, it took awhile. We were both a little older when we got married and most people our age have already started their family. So of course I got nervous that now we wouldn't be able to have children. I prayed, and sometime begged God to give me a baby. Sometimes I gave up and said fine, I don't need any children, then other times my heart ached seeing others with their little ones.

My husband was comforting, he would reassure me that this was in Gods hands and if it was his will we would have a baby, and if not he would love me and be with me all my life.
One night I was reading about how many babies in the USA alone are aborted. 1.3 million babies are aborted every year.  I cried so hard seeing this because I wanted a baby, I prayed to God that night that he would first have mercy on the women who did get the abortions, and bring them to God, so he may heal them and change their minds about doing this. Then I prayed for myself that one of those little souls would be given to me.
I truly believe in my heart that heaven is made up of those babies, and they are in Gods hands now.

My 30th birthday was coming up and I did let up a bit about having a baby, I knew that God loved me and my husband to help us. One day in March, my mom and I were going to go out for dinner, and so was my friend. We stopped by her house to pick her up, and to my surprise, all my friends and some family member were there to give my a surprise birthday party! It was an Anne of Green Gables theme, and my good friends were dressed in old time clothes. It was really cute. The important part of this party is when my friend got everyone together to lay hands on me and pray over me. She prayed for my health, and my future, and especially to bless me with a baby. It was an overpowering moment to have the women in your life pray over you.

 Two months later I was pregnant, I was overjoyed (and very sick).  Then four months later I had my first ultrasound. The technician was very nice and very through. She took a long time, but I'm glad she did because this was my first pregnancy. When she was done she asked me if I have ever taken fertility drugs?  I said no, then I was wondering why she asked that. Being a nurse myself, I sort of knew that taking fertility drugs increased your chances of having multiples, but no not me. This was just a normal question she asks everyone.  Then she called my husband in and asked him if he was ready to see the ultrasound.

"OK" she said, " here is baby A and here is baby B.

My heart leaped from my chest and I actually started shaking like I never shook before.
My husbands jaw dropped and he started laughing in disbelief.
Twins, we are having twins! Praise God, for he blessed us with twins!
On the way home we were still in shock. We laughed because, we knew that before we planned on having children, we thought maybe just one child is good enough for us. We know now, God sure has a sense of humor. Above all we need to always put everything in Gods hands. What we want, may not be what God wants for us. I have learned this lesson many times, and I'm still learning to rely on God.
God Bless all of you who took time to read my post. I give Glory to God for my life and the life of others.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14.

John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. 


  1. WOW! What an incredible testimony!!
    I have GOOSE BUMPS! GOD is so GOOD!!
    What a wonderful way with words you have!
    Love and Hugs, Linnie

  2. All I can say is, THANK YOU! You are right, a course has already been laid out for us, all we have to do is continue down that road and see where it will lead.

  3. What a wonderful Testimony you have shared! and your children are beautiful what a blessing to have Twins. I was told that I should not be able to have children according to the doctors....but thankfuly my life is in Gods hands and he blessed me with 3 also. And wow an Anne of Green Gables party that is the cutest thing I have ever heard of friends doing!! I hear you live in the same town as some of my family ~It is nice to meet you ~Thanks for sharing your story I enjoyed visiting your blog~Love Heather

  4. This is so beautiful. I read this to dad through my tears because I know how you felt about having kids.We did pray over you. Linda prayed so hard you had two babies. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have God in my life. When I was a kid in the hospital at night all alone. I know God was there with me. It's hard let God run your life. But after you try to do things on your own then you ask God for help. Love Mom and Dad
